Vision Monday Magazine, (also known as “VM”) is a print and digital publication, and the ophthalmic industry's leading source of news and news analysis.

Every year, VM hosts the “Vision Monday Leadership Summit,” a convention where influential thought leaders, business experts, and vision care professionals gather to discuss recent developments in optical, as well as the future of the field.

In 2021, Vision Monday wanted to refresh their logo and trusted me with the task. They also wanted a matching logo for their video series, “Micro Chats Macro Trends”, which was released the same year.


After exploring some completely new concepts and going back and forth with the client, they ultimately decided to do a refresh of their old logo to avoid confusing long-time subscribers.

They also wanted the new logo to focus more on the actual “Summit”, which inspired me to create mountain peaks out of the the word’s double M’s.

I kept the original blue color-scheme, but enhanced the vibrancy of the palette, and added accents for impact and increased visual interest. Additionally, in using a horizontal layout rather than a stacked configuration, I was able to make the words “Leadership Summit” bigger and easier to read, (the client removed the word “Global” from their name entirely).

Once finalized, I created the Micro Macro logo. The double M’s leant themselves beautifully to the Summit logo I had already designed, and I was able to reuse the mountain concept, as well as the typeface “Roboto Condensed” to maintain consistency.

*Vision Monday in print reaches more than 20,000 influential retail buyers, and the Leadership Summit garners several hundred attendees every year.